Questions & Answers

2007 Toyota Tundra Fortin FR642W Remotes Not Programming

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I've installed the Fortin Evo-One onto a 2007 Toyota Tundra. Entering programming mode using the valet button is fine; however, the remote antenna seems to not be able to receive the remote's signal and program it. Which port would this antenna go in? Everything has power and the key bypass is already programmed to the vehicle. The only program is that the antenna is not registering the remote's signals into the Evo-One.
asked Dec 31, 2015 in RF-Kits by J.N. (170 points)

1 Answer

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When following the remote programming procedure the antenna will start to blink rapidly after pressing the brake. Does this happen for you? Also, when pairing the remotes after pressing the brake, be sure to press the [-] first, then press lock; they dont need to be pressed at the same time.


Here's a little more details on the steps, let me know if anything is different on your end:

  1. After turning ignition on, and holding down the Valet button, there will a red led flashing on the back of the unit (near the yellow wire)
  2. Once that led flashes, press the Valet button 5 times. Horn (if connected) and lights will flash on each button press.
  3. Press and Release the foot brake. The LED on the antenna will start to flash at this step.
  4. Press the [-] once, then press Lock.


answered Jan 2, 2016 by Robert T (304,060 points)
After pressing the brake, the antenna does not blink. I've tested all of the wiring and it is all connected as it should be. Could it be something in the programming?
The red LED by the yellow wire flashes when valet is pressed, brake pressed. But the antenna still does not light up. Service number: 002B03034531
The antenna needs to be connected in the blue port of the evoone. When connecting the antenna does the LED in the antenna light up for 1 second ?