Questions & Answers

Will the EVO-ALL work with the new Compustar FT-7000AS and FT-7200S brain?

0 votes
I am planning to buy a new Compustar FT-7000AS and want to make sure that the EVO-ALL will work with the new system. I used it before with the FT-6000AS with no problems. Do you still have on your site the reference information of what brands and models can be used with the EVO-ALL? I searched but could not find it. Thank you.
asked Oct 15, 2014 in Subaru by William2 (1,630 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi William,


The list you speak of has been removed a while back for the sole reason that the EVO does all three major datalink protocols.

  • Fortin
  • AP/OFA datalink (ADS)
  • D2D

There is basically almost no remote starter that is not compatible with the EVO-ALL.


One quick note about the 7000AS. In the 7000AS guide, unless it was changed, it says to use the grey datalink port for Fortin. This is wrong. Use the black connector.

answered Oct 15, 2014 by Robert T (303,700 points)