Questions & Answers

App controls don't work

0 votes
I installed an Evo One with a Mazda C5 harness. In addition i installed the Evo Start LTE module.
The remote start using the remote control works perfectly, but no controls work when i try to send them from the app.
I am able to see the car location, so the GPS reports correctly and the state of the car changes correctly in the app when i use my remote control (i.e. opening and closing the door). But if i try to open/close the doors using the app, or try to start the car, the app states that the command executed successfully, but nothing happens on the car end.
In addition, the fuel state is shown at 0%, while battery charge does show.

Any help resolving this issue is appreciated, TIA.
asked Jan 19 in Mazda by Anton Podkovirin (150 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Please first ensure you have paired the evo-start-lte to the evo-one following the programming sequence shown on pages 4-5:


Also please do the following. In the app tap on settings>account management> log out. Once you have logged out fully close down the app, do not let it run in the background. Once fully closed, re open the app, log back in and re try the commands.


It is normal for the fuel % to not show, it is not supported for about 99.9% of vehicles at the moment. Hopefully in future updates to the app it will become available.


Best regards.
answered Jan 20 by derek g (358,130 points)
After trying the pairing procedure again, now it is working.

Thank you.