Questions & Answers

Decryptor Limit Reset

+1 vote
I reached my decryptor limit accidentally as this is my first time installing the device and I wasn't instructed that my Q50 would shut off if I didnt press the push to start button twice before putting it in drive. Which caused me to try decrypting multiple times over and over which knocked me over the limit.

service #001A07623207
asked Nov 26 in Infiniti by karol Pawlowski (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

I have submitted your module for reset.

It will be ready for use within 24 hours.

Best regards.
answered Nov 26 by derek g (348,060 points)
I wonder if I am going to run into this same problem. I have used the flash module and the decryption software to install evo one and hon3 t harness on my sons 2016 p.t.s. lock 3 times oem remote. now I purchased an evo one 942 and hon3 t harness for my wife's 2015 crv exl p.t.s. does my flash module need reset. If so how do I reset the module
No it does not need to be reset, simply add the rf kit to the evo one following the in vehicle programming instructions (page 2).


Best regards.