Questions & Answers

Is OEM remotes need to be learned?

+1 vote

Do I need to program OEM remotes?. If yes how to program modes?, and can I use them for programming the options?. What about 38.4 option?.

posté Fev 12, 2016 dans la catégorie FAQ par Tager Tower (3,480 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
turn on options C1 in the bypass to enable oem remote monitoring.

38.2 enables 3x lock to start (when applicable)
répondu Fev 12, 2016 par derek g (358,030 points)

Thank you derrick, sorry I knew that, what about other functions of OEM remotes?. Is it learned automatically.?.

We monitor the oem remote (when applicable) we do not program it.