Questions & Answers

Can an EVO-FORT1 be programmed with one key in a 2010 Mustang using Guide 3318, program 6?

0 votes
I have a customer with a 2010 Mustang, but only one key.   I presume that if I use an EVO-FORT1, I can use a Flashlink to program the EVO just like I would in Guide 3318, and that the presence of the T-Harness would nothave any effect on that.   Can you confirm?
posté Dec 2, 2015 dans la catégorie Ford par Eric Schaffer2 (1,030 points)

1 Réponse

+2 votes

Correct. You can use Dcryptor on 40 bit keys. Below are both guides for the EVO-FORT1, just follow whichever concerns your installation. There is both the 2-key programming and 1-key programming procedures available in the guides below. (as you said, the t-harness changes nothing when it comes to programming).



répondu Dec 3, 2015 par Robert T (304,060 points)