Questions & Answers

How can I turn on the heat seat and the rear defrost when I remote start a Fusion 2015?

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I have an EVO ONE installled in a Ford Fusion 2015 standart start and I was wondering how can I activate the front heat seats and de rear defrost upon the remote start as those fuction are listed as supported by this module.
posté Juin 26, 2015 dans la catégorie Ford par Dny Dny (330 points)

1 Réponse

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The heated seats will automatically come on the way you have your unit set up, BUT it will only turn on if the ambient temperature if low enough to activate. All these features are controlled by the vehicles computer.


You can also turn ON options A5 and A6 to have manual control over these features. It will also depend on which RF kit you are using to be able to trigger Aux 1 and 2
répondu Juin 26, 2015 par J M (64,270 points)