Questions & Answers

im trying to find the data-link plug in on a 2002 olds bravda for a int-sl+ hookup?

+1 vote
Im trying to find the data-link on a 2002 olds bravda for a int-sl+ hookup?

Where will i find it  also the door trigger wire?
posté Mar 7, 2014 dans la catégorie Oldsmobile par bard knowles (190 points)
modifié Mar 7, 2014 par bard knowles

1 Réponse

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The datalink 4-pin black connector on the int-sl+ is their to connect to the remote starter datalink connector, not the car. If the remote starter does not have a datalink port, you can always just give 12V and ground to the red and black wire in that datalink connector (do not connect the blue and white anyhwere).


The door trigger on the car is a TAN color located at the BCM in a purple connector.
répondu Mar 10, 2014 par Robert T (305,380 points)
élue Avr 24, 2014 par Robert T