Questions & Answers

2013 Chevrolet 2500 HD -Starts once then won’t crank

0 votes
I have installed Evo All SN 001A07 468692 with T-Harness THAR-GM4 withRM942 remotes and MYCAR using hrn-11rs-01.

The factory remotes work as well as the 942.  

The truck will start once using the remote start and then just light up and “click”.  If I unplug the module it will work again.  

From reading through the messages here I believe the issue is that I have flashed it too many times.  

Any help would be great
posté Nov 12, 2024 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Kurt Wilson (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes


I will submit your module for reset, it can take up to 24 hours.

Once you re program it , please run the same test as you did except leave the mycar unplugged.


Thank you.
répondu Nov 12, 2024 par derek g (357,480 points)
Thank you.   I will let you know how it works out
I was able to reinstall the system listed above.   I followed your instructions to not install the MyCar.  Everything works as it should now.   I then plugged in the MYCar with no success getting it to work when the RF antenna is plugged in.  I can switch them and they work.  I am unable to get both to work together.  any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for running that test. So you will need to pick one or the other, they cannot both communicate at the same time as it jams up the evo.

Best regards.

I was able to reinstall the system listed above.   I followed your instructions to not install the MyCar.  Everything works as it should now.   I then plugged in the MYCar with no success getting it to work when the RF antenna is plugged in.  I can switch them and they work.  I am unable to get both to work together.  any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for running that test.

So you will need to pick one or the other, they cannot both communicate at the same time as it jams up the evo.
are there any other products that work together that will give the RF remote and an app working device?
Evo start lte and fortin rf can work together on your evo-all.

I've also had some reports of users getting fortin rf kits and mycar2 working together on evo-one however it has not officialy been tested by fortin as of yet and havent talked with anyone who tried evo-all.

Best regards.
I had them working together but the remote start would not work.  Once the module was reset, they are not working together.  The MYCAR does connect to the truck and changes status from lock/unlocked and shows voltage.  

I will go back through the notes I have from when they were working together.

Thanks for all the help Derek.