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page cannot be displayed when selecting Remote Start option on Flashlink Manager

0 votes
Cannot Access Remote starter (Online Mode) option On Flashlink Manager. Keep getting "Page Not Found" with no other text on the page.

I can However access Remote Start (Offline Mode) By selecting Configuration--Special Unit--Unit Options.

Is There a Server Issue? is Anyone else havng this problem?
posté Jan 1, 2022 dans la catégorie Remote Starters par Douglas Hartwig (220 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Must be local to your end, I have not had any calls and it is working fine from my pc.
répondu Jan 3, 2022 par derek g (359,350 points)
Could it possibly be a read error and the  flashlink is the issue?
It could be the flash link you are using, what is the S/N number on the back of the flash link updater?
The unit is a flashlink-lite

Manufacturer date 10-2021.

No SN on the back
From my understanding Flash link lite does not support the remote starter portion of the evo-one, nor does it allow you to access it.
Well that's probably my whole program issue then. I can however access offline remote start option and it looks like I can enable 3x lock and save,, But cannot confirm. Assuming it's not because the 3x lock isn't working
Correct, the offline menu will not work even though you see it when using a flash link lite.
Well that is just plain dumb, but at least I can now cancel my appointment committing myself to the psych ward. I figured it was something to do with the Lite. Thanks