Questions & Answers

RFK942 Distance confusion

0 votes
I'm confused. In the literature such as the manual, it states that the range is 6500ft / 2km and on the web site it says 5000 ft /1.5 km. In the youtube video add it says 6000ft? How realistic is it? Example in a building about 900 ft away? On a street how many blocks?

Any expert advice appreciated!




posté Mai 13, 2021 dans la catégorie Toyota par Mario Gomes (240 points)

1 Réponse

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"Its two 4-button RM942 extreme urban range remote controllers operate over an extended distance of up to 6,000 feet (2,000 meters)."


Up to 6,000 feet. Depending on situation and surroundings. 


Ive had me own 942 work from well over 4,000 feet in a clear line of sight, but results will always vary depending on location and surroundings. 

répondu Mai 13, 2021 par derek g (358,230 points)
Thank-you for the more honest and realistic answer! It should help me more than the one I have in there now! (2000ft). This past winter has been hit or miss and sometimes I would arrive to a frozen car three blocks away that never started!! So at least doubling those numbers might help!
Works great and far too! Thank-you Derek!