Questions & Answers

Range and parking lights

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Q50 3.0T 2017

When I first installed the evo my car range seemed great! Until i went back in and soldered my wires. Now my cars range is short? Could this be because of my soldering? Before I just wrapped the wires through each other and the range was longgg. Anyway to program the trunk button to remote start instead of opening trunk?


Also, my parking lights do not turn on once the car is started remotely.
posté Fev 6, 2021 dans la catégorie Infiniti par Tim CH (130 points)
modifié Fev 6, 2021 par Tim CH

1 Réponse

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The evo does not change the range of the OEM remote. The evo works in conjunction with your factory system. Whatever the range was before it should be the same after.


The trunk button is not an option for remote starting.


We do not interface with the parking light on this vehicle. If the NIS4 harness was used it interfaces with the hazard lights and they should flash at start up.
répondu Fev 8, 2021 par derek g (357,580 points)