Questions & Answers

2013 Ford Edge key start not starting

+1 vote
Wired up to directed 5x03, when attempting to remote start, red light constant blue light flickers on then off. Does not attempt remote start. Brain box clicks once then retries. Any ideas?? Does the same when wired in standalone except dash lights come on like accessory is on.
asked Dec 13, 2014 in Ford by Raymond Kazmierczak (1,200 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What bypass module are you using ? With tharness ?
answered Dec 14, 2014 by Raymond Kazmierczak (85,210 points)
EVO-ALL.  Im not getting communication between smartstart DSM200 module and evo-all.
DSM200 and EVOALL both connected to d2d ?

red light follow GWR, blue light react to canbus activity