Questions & Answers

Wiring issue Mazda 3- 2015-PTA-Automatic

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I boutght The mazda EVO-All with T-harness for my 2015 Mazda PTA automatic and I am confused about the wiring on number 2,3 and 4 in red circles.

On guide #62681 page 6 at the bottom of the page(#2 in red circle) it says that I need to connect LT.BLUE/BLACK Wire to Pin#8 and the Lt.Blue wire to #9 pin on 32-pin White question is how am I supposed to do this?Do I need to disconnect the 32-pin White connector from Car and connect these 2 wires individually to the part which is attached to the car or the part wich I disconnect from the car?there is no conncetor in the harness to connect these 2 wires.

I have the same issue with #3 and #4 in RED circles at the bottom of the page 6 am I supposed to conncet the D section on Evo-All to #1 & #3 on the 8-pin White connector and also connect 4A an 4B on the engine compartment.

I do not see any part on the harness to coonect these I supposed to buy connectores,strip the wires and attach the wires by myself?there is no extra connector or pin or wire stripper in the package.

Thanks for your help.


asked Oct 28, 2020 in Mazda by SAEID GHADIRI (180 points)
edited Oct 28, 2020 by SAEID GHADIRI

1 Answer

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Best answer
The t-harness plugs into 1 plug, the other connections are physically connected to other wires on the car in a different plug.


Remote starters do not come with wire strippers or any type of plastic connectors. A remote starter should always be installed by a trade professional with the tools and experience to do the job.


If you plan on attempting a remote starter installation on your own vehicle, please consider looking into the EVO-ONE + THAR-ONE-MAZ3 instead the EVO-MAZT1 kit that you currently have.
answered Oct 28, 2020 by Robert T (304,060 points)
selected Oct 30, 2020 by SAEID GHADIRI
Thanks.I did it and bought THAR-Maz3 with Evo-one and Evo Start2.

my question is that Do I need to install and program Evo start2 while I am programming Evo-one or I must programme Evo one first and after that disconnect all the wires to install and program EVO START2.
I can't  find any instruction about which one should I program first.
Hello Saeid

Did you find a way to connect the EVO Start2 and programme it?

Would you please send me an email as I have the same issue with my Mazda 3?