Questions & Answers

Evo-one with MyCar Telematics & fortin RF kit

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I have evo one with MyCar telematics plugged into the (4-PIN) DATA-LINK ANTENNA with the MyCar HRN-LLRS-01.

I also want to add the fortin RKF411 to the evo one but the port is taken up by the telematics. I tried plugging the fortin rf kit antenna harness to the the other female connector of the HRN-LLRS-01 and the rf kit works but the telematics doesn't. Unplugged the rf kit and the telematic works again. Is there a way for me to use the rf kit on another port? Thank you
asked May 17, 2020 in RF-Kits by Anthony Vo (180 points)
edited May 17, 2020 by Anthony Vo

1 Answer

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Best answer
Cant have both at the same time as they dont really use the same protocol.
answered May 17, 2020 by Robert T2 (299,010 points)
selected May 17, 2020 by Anthony Vo