Questions & Answers

2010 Kia Rondo Key start Automatic door lock/unlock does not work after install Firmware 76.51

0 votes
2010 Kia Rondo Key start Automatic door lock/unlock does not work after install Firmware 76.51, Remote Starter option #32 set to #5 per guide #60981.

Installed Evo One, and PATS key frogramed OK, rapidly flashing yellow light.

The lock/unlock fob does not work.

If I disconnect the battery nd reconnect the battery the lock unlock works but Evo One does not respond.

When I start the vehicle with the key and turn it back off the lock unlock stops working again

This car has a seperate fob for the lock/unlock function. it is not part of the key.
asked Aug 23, 2019 in Kia by Gdrover (400 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Doorlocks are full analog on this vehicle, actual wire to wire connections send the negative signals to control the doorlocks and Oem alarm.

Please double check your wiring and outputs with a logic probe.


Thank you,
answered Aug 26, 2019 by J M (64,060 points)
I confirmed that door lock wiring is connected correct per th eschematic in Guide #60981

Grey Connector #39 Pin #9, White/Black connected to Evo One Connector  Pin A2, Out, Purple (-) lock

Grey Connector #39 Pin #8, White/Black connected to Evo One Connector  Pin A3, Out, Purple/White (-) Unlock

Could I have a setting in the software set wrong ??

Just to confirm that the problem I have is that EvoOne does not receive any input from the OEM Remote, Will not start vehicle and when plugged in the vehicle losses Lock unlock function


evo-one will not work off the oem remote on this vehicle. It is not listed on the Kia Rondo compatibilty, under Required Technology it says you need an RF-KIT.


Your second issue of door locks freezing is caused by an issue in how the doorlocks are connected. If they are not connected properly, the factory switch will freeze up. This can on any of the lock-unlock-arm-disarm (2x) wires

Thanks for the feed back

I have ordered a RF kit and once installed will report back with with an update

