Questions & Answers

evo-one won't program revo 1.1 rf remotes

0 votes
Installed thbutce EVO-One in a 2015 nissan frontier.  Unit programmed okay, but can't get it to program the revo 1.1 remotes.  I get the initial flashing red light, and can see the light blink when I hit the valet switch 5 times, but can't get passed that.
asked Feb 11, 2018 in Nissan by sal desimone (530 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
After pressing the valet switch 5x, does the red led underneath the yellow loop blink once when you press and release the brake pedal?
answered Feb 12, 2018 by derek g (358,230 points)
I don't think it did. I was able to speak to a fortin technical rep. He said that there is an issue with the revo units and the newest remote revision. He said reprogramming to the 1.16 version will correct it. I'll give that a try.
I did the flash the remote starter side down to the 1.16 revision and was able to program the revo 1.1 and remote start the truck.  I don't get the lock/arm or door light to activate, but I think that must be in settings section so I'll probably need to take it back out and check settings.  I know the wiring is right because I tested them through the connector before I connected everything, so they must not be getting a ground pulse when the module is activated.