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EVO ONE programming light blinking and other questions

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So I got my EVO-ONE connected to my 2009 Mazda 5 with a FTX 44 2w remote.  I was able to remote start it once and that was it.  Along with that, I have some other concerns


1. When I try the remote start, the remote flashes green like it is going to go.  The EVO-ONE programming light on the back flashes 4 times, which may indicate valet mode according to the guide, but the yellow LED isn't on.  EDIT: Just tried turning off valet mode for kicks and now it works.  Does the yellow LED not stay on when in valet mode?


2. No blue lights when locking or unlocking.  Is that an issue?


3. The doors try to unlock twice when I push the unlock button.  There is a pause of about half a second in between


4. I can only unlock the drivers door.  A second unlock press does not unlock the rest of the doors


Otherwise I think I got it.  Thanks for all of your help with this!
asked Mar 16, 2016 in Mazda by Joshua Swenson (1,660 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

"No blue lights when locking or unlocking.  Is that an issue?" - Nope door locks are not done on the can bus so this is normal.

"The doors try to unlock twice when I push the unlock button." There is a pause of about half a second in between" - Looking at the service number you have set unlock double pulse so this explains your symptom...Not needed on this vehicle and the guide doesn't tell us to enable this option so i would turn it off.

"I can only unlock the drivers door.  A second unlock press does not unlock the rest of the doors" - Looking again at the service number you have selected option B1-Unlock drivers door only. This onyl works with vehicles that have door locks on can...Yours is an analog connection so again i would turn this option off. Also this vehicle has 2 unlock wires...One dedicated wire that is unlock/disarm and a single wire system that is both lock and unlock...What one did you connect to?


answered Mar 17, 2016 by derek g (358,230 points)
selected Mar 17, 2016 by derek g

Thanks Derek


"the guide doesn't tell us to enable this option"

Yes it does.  I have voiced in my other thread (here for reference) that Guide 24761 needs an update badly.  Between the CAN wires being labeled incorrectly, the double pulse, and, I'm guessing, the analog wire connection missing.......I'm frustrated to say the least.  I know you guys are busy but I would really like to see this guide updated sooner than later


"you have selected option B1-Unlock drivers door only. This onyl works with vehicles that have door locks on can"

Noted.  I will turn that off


"Also this vehicle has 2 unlock wires...One dedicated wire that is unlock/disarm and a single wire system that is both lock and unlock...What one did you connect to?"

I connected it to the lock/arm and unlock/disarm wires that the guide told me to

For the door lock question, does this pic help?


what happens if you manually pulse the unlock/disarm wire in the vehicle? Does it display the same symptom?

You are correct on the first point. My mistake :) only human.
Try performing the test described in that picture according to that information it needs a 2.8 second pulse....If this is the case try setting option 8 mode 4 single pulse 2.5 sec, should be close enough to get all doors to unlock.
Thanks Derek.  Going to try changing option 8 on lunch
Unlock opens all doors now. Thanks Derek I look forward to the updated guide! =D
No problem glad its working for you!
2 more things I thought of


1. Do I still need to use the OEM keyfob to run the car or can I have a key cut and just use that?  Trying to reduce the clutter in my pocket


2. Is there a single button, 2-way fob that would work with the RF kit?


Thanks again
1- You still need your key at all times.

2- The FTX1 is a one button fob but it is only 1 way.