Questions & Answers

2011 Nissan Rogue - Auto headlights stay on

0 votes
2011 Nissan Rogue w/ Intelli-Key   EVO-ONE with T-Harnesses.

When headlights are set to AUTO and a 3x Start is triggered the lights stay on after the remote start either times out or is manually stopped via the key fob or brake input.    Door trigger wire (Dark Blue) doesn't seem to have any effect on this.  I even tried to ground it out directly to see if it would turn the lights off.   

Anything else to try?
asked Jan 5 in Nissan by Jim Trudell (150 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Make sure option 32.3 was set in the remote starter of the evo-one, this if so the drk blue wire will pulse atfer shut down. If it was not set then the lights will not shut off after shut down.

Also you should test the wire you are on to ensure it is actually the drivers door pin wire.

Best regards.
answered Jan 6 by derek g (358,230 points)