Questions & Answers

Audi 2018 Q5 EVO all and EVO start LTE

0 votes
Hello. Things are working fine with the Audi 2018 Q5 EVO all and EVO start LTE. But, a couple of questions:

- is there a way to control the heated seats in the app?

- the fuel gauge shows 0% in the app

- I don’t see notifications on my Apple Watch. I thought I read that that was possible.

Thank you
asked Oct 14, 2023 in Audi by daveinstall (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

- Currently heated seats cannot be control via the app.

- Fuel level is not supported on all vehicles at this time. Your vehicle is one of them.

- Apple watch support is still pending as the notifications do not work as you have mentioned. Hopefully a future update will solve this but I do not have any eta on it.

Best regards.
answered Oct 16, 2023 by derek g (334,350 points)