Questions & Answers

2020 Tundra how do I make the engine not turn off when I open the driver's door?

0 votes
Successful install, 2020 Tundra PTS, Evo-All, 79.69 Bypass FW, T-harness, RF642W remotes.

Remote start works just fine. As soon as I open the driver's door the engine shuts off. Tried even unlocking before opening but still shuts off upon opening.

How do I put an end to this?
asked Sep 29, 2022 in Toyota by Joshua Anderson (410 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
The 2020 tundra pts does not offer take over. It will shut down on door open.


Best Regards.
answered Sep 30, 2022 by derek g (334,350 points)
selected Oct 3, 2022 by Joshua Anderson
Bummer.. never new to look to see whether or not secure takeover was offered by the vehicle. Thanks for the quick reply.