Questions & Answers

Can I get my Evo One Reset ?

0 votes
Flash Limit Reached on Evo One. Please Reset. S/N 002B04108567


And should I do the recommended update that is suggested by the flask link update tool or do I stick with the version on the instruction. 2010 dodge challenger standard key standard installation , no T harness.

Bypass* Recommended version 74.39 OR instruction version 59.01

Remote start* version 1.25

Flash link 2 unit version 4.05 has to be re updated everytime I use it for reason. (windows 11)
asked Mar 6, 2022 in Dodge by keith lawley2 (230 points)
retagged Mar 7, 2022 by keith lawley2

1 Answer

0 votes
I have reset the flash limit for you.


Best Regards.
answered Mar 7, 2022 by derek g (334,350 points)