Questions & Answers

2019 Chevy Trax Won't RStart after install

0 votes
So we have installed a Evo All in this car,

Using it as a stand alone RS,

The Car will light up everything after 3X on factory remote, but then the dash goes dead, with a CEL light (radio playing)

Turns off....

EVO ALL tries agian, and fails...

4 Red light flash on unit...

Checked my cables... Everything hooked up correct - Hood Disabled in programing, (Parking lights NOT hooked up at the moment)

Removed the flash, and tried to reflash a couple times, and ended up locking myself out (I need cleared please Fortin)


Any advice here please help out... Thank you
asked Nov 14, 2021 in Chevrolet by R & P Electronics (280 points)
edited Nov 14, 2021 by R & P Electronics

1 Answer

0 votes
First thing I would need to look into this for you is the S/N number on the back of the module.
answered Nov 15, 2021 by derek g (334,350 points)