Questions & Answers

Horn and RF Kit with Drone

0 votes
I have installed a Evo-one with t-harness on a 2015 Transit Cargo van. There is no horn chirp with lock or with alarm going off. Do i need to hook up a wire to horn or do i need a siren?


Also i have purchased a RF kit and Drone, is there a way to hook up both?



Thank you
asked Apr 23, 2021 in Ford by michael honey (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Horn needs to be connected if you want horn confirmwations.

As for the RF or Drone, it's one or the other but not both.


To use the unit with the Drone, the EVO-ONE needs to be flashed to a specific firmware.
answered Apr 23, 2021 by Robert T (304,000 points)

But on the page for Transit compatiable page it says under built-in alarm section "RF-KIT required to enable vehicle Security & Alarm functions with the interface module that will use the vehicle's horn as a sound monitor."


In the instructions no where does it say which wire to hook up for horn
