Questions & Answers

what can i do to override the cannot flash anymore error message

0 votes
I had the EVO ALL bypass installed on my 2010 maxima when my remote start/a;larm was installed some years ago. Recently my battery died for about a week and i lost some features on the system. I had it checked by a different installer becuse I no longer live in the same area as before and they said that the EVO ALL lost programming and was locked out. He tried reseting it but to no avail. so i purchased the Fortin flashliknk 4 to update the firmware/flash it and it will not allow me to do it. I get a mesage basically saing it can no loger update the bypass or flash it. When i read the Fortin website regarding updatng the bypass it says it wil only work on a bypass that has a barcode etc.. well mine does yet im unable to upgrade the firmaware and flash it. Id like to add that it also says the firmaware is incompatible which is odd because thats what ive had installed since i purchased the system brand new. If anyone can offer any troubleshooting tips or tech support i would really appreciate it.
asked Jan 10, 2021 in Nissan by Muhammad Shareef (130 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Modules that have a manufacture date older than 5 years cannot be updated or changed at the pc.
answered Jan 11, 2021 by derek g (357,930 points)
so how do i fix this then ?
Hi Al Labrecque, I replied to your bug report via e-mai.


Best Regards.
0 votes
Modules do not lose feature from lose of power though.. If they did, they would lose programming when going from the flash link to the car (or vice-versa).
answered Jan 11, 2021 by Robert T (304,010 points)