Questions & Answers

EVO ONE no response

0 votes
I recently received EVO ONE for 2020 Honda HRV sport AWD auto. When plugging into flashlink, I updated suggested firmware and am able to adjust settings. When I click on the remote start tab, the unit disconnects everytime. I tried to do a master reset with no luck. I also tried installing it maybe thinking it needed the bypass first. Nope, no lights no nothing when connected to harness in car trying to program. Maybe I am doing it wrong? Any help would be great.
asked Dec 7, 2020 in FAQ by Larry Franz (220 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
What is the S/N to the module?

If you are using a t-harness what t-harness is being used?
answered Dec 7, 2020 by derek g (334,350 points)
S/N: 002B04 108574 T harness thar-one-hon2
Looks like you have already accessed the remote starter.


It is normal for it to disconnected and ask you to re connect when using an older flash link updater.
0 votes
Check the ground connection of the module in the car. It's not part of the harness and something that needs to be connected.
answered Dec 7, 2020 by Robert T2 (299,010 points)
Is it normal for the unit to disconnect when I click on the remote start tab in flashlink?