Questions & Answers

Flashlink setup 2017 Jeep Wrangler Manual Transmission T harness

0 votes
I purchased my Evo One prep with linkr from seller and adding a siren option I noticed this settings for remote start:

14 ALARM ON/OFF STARTER ON/OFF selected 14.1 (Alarm disabled. Remote starter enable) instead 14.2

31 SPECIAL APPLICATION PROGRAMMABLE OUTPUT (+) selected (Disable) instead 31.4

Is there any way to know if these settings are correct?


asked Nov 10, 2019 in Jeep by Natalie Maldonado (880 points)
edited Nov 10, 2019 by Natalie Maldonado

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
settings can be verified with the modules S/N number
answered Nov 11, 2019 by Robert T (304,910 points)
selected Nov 19, 2019 by Natalie Maldonado
Do I need to email you that information privately (I will need your email address).. or can I send it via comment?

Thanks for your support
Here is the S/N 002B04 043387

Can someone help me to choose the right option please?

Thank you :)

Following up ...

Can someone guide me here?.. should I change the settings made by the seller that prep my Evo One setup?

 S/N 002B04043387

Thanks in advance


If you want remote start and alarm, option 14.2 is not enabled alarm and remote start.

I do not see option 31.4 enabled. This would give a (+) parking light output on the WHITE wire.


For the RF protocol, there is no way for us to know if the reseller enabled the proper protocol for the LinkR.
The prep was the Evo One with the T harness

If you want remote start and alarm, option 14.2 is not enabled alarm and remote start.

I do not see option 31.4 enabled. This would give a (+) parking light output on the WHITE wire.


For the RF protocol, there is no way for us to know if the reseller enabled the proper protocol for the LinkR.

So enable 14.2 and 31.4 will be the setting I should change?. Thanks in advance
yes, correct