Questions & Answers

F150 2018 evo all thar fort 3 does not start

0 votes
My car is a 2018 F150 gas with the normal ignition plus key. I have the EVO-FORT3 kit with the harness THAT Rev 1 Lot 51087. I have no issues connecting the harness to the obs. I disconnect the original connection from the truck and connect he new male into the truck female and the new female into the truck male. I connect the white 5 pin with 4 wires to the EVO-ALL, press the button and connect the 4 pin with 4 wires. The light starts flashing, Blue, red, amber, blue-red, blue. I let go the button when the light is blue, it will stay solid blue. Now I turn on the ignition with the key and the blue light starts to flash rapidly but does NOT stop flashing after 10 times. It keeps flashing. When I off the ignition and open the door the display states the alarm is on, to off the alarm I have to start the engine. When I press the door lock button on the remote 3 times the car does not start. Please advise.
asked Nov 2, 2019 in Ford by paul Duijn (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
what the 12 digit service number (s/n) of the module?
answered Nov 4, 2019 by Robert T (304,000 points)