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EVO-ALL StandAlone A2/Purple/Lock and A3/PurpleWhite/Unlock Availabilty?

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RE: EVO-ALL Stand Alone Installation in 2017 Mitsubishi Outlander (NOT Sport) with Push-To-Start (FastKey)

While installed in this manner, can the can the A2/Purple negative input lock trigger and A3/PurpleWhite negative input unlock trigger wires be used to send lock/unlock signals onto the CAN BUS?

If yes are there any restrictions?  If EVO-ALL alarm mode is enabled, must it be disarmed first, or will negative unlock trigger via A2/purple still operate?

The intent here is to create an alternate mechanism to unlock the car for when it is more convenient to leave my keys inside (with FastKey properly RF shielded of course).  If the CAN BUS lock/unlock interface in the EVO-ALL is enabled in this mode, then that will make the installation trivial as it is already present.  Thank you.
asked May 30, 2019 in Mitsubishi by Michele Ouest (160 points)

2 Answers

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"While installed in this manner, can the can the A2/Purple negative input lock trigger and A3/PurpleWhite negative input unlock trigger wires be used to send lock/unlock signals onto the CAN BUS?"

- Yes, These wires are inputs, so if they get a ground the vehicle will either lock or unlock. 


"If yes are there any restrictions?  If EVO-ALL alarm mode is enabled, must it be disarmed first, or will negative unlock trigger via A2/purple still operate?"

-A2 or A3 will arm/lock or disarm/unlock the evo and the vehicle when in alarm mode. 


"The intent here is to create an alternate mechanism to unlock the car for when it is more convenient to leave my keys inside (with FastKey properly RF shielded of course).  If the CAN BUS lock/unlock interface in the EVO-ALL is enabled in this mode, then that will make the installation trivial as it is already present.  Thank you."

- Just my opinion, I would not recommend this because this would make your vehicle incredibly easy to steal. 

answered May 31, 2019 by derek g (359,100 points)
Regarding security, I will be installing a Ford-style entry keypad requiring a code to open.  For simplicity. I thought to wire its output to the A3/PurpleWhite unlock ground input trigger in order to send the unlock signal on the CAN BUS.

Currently the EVO-ALL is in Stand Alone Mode, wired according to guide 28921, in which the A2/Purple and A3/PurpleWhite are not labeled for any functions.

In guide 28911, for Regular Installation, A2/Purple and A3/PurpleWhite are labeled as lock/unlock ground input triggers, respectively.

Yet in guide 16221, for Alarm Option, A2/Purple is labeled as ground input External Trigger, and A3/PurpleWhite is ground input Dual Stage Trigger.

So which guide is correct with my EVO-ALL configured for my 2017 Mitsubishi Outlander (NOT Sport) with Push-To-Start?  If I enable Alarm Option, will I lose access to ground input triggers for lock/unlock?  Thank you.
When in stand alone mode or regular mode, A2 and A3 are lock and unlock inputs.


If on top that you want to enable the EVO-ALARM feature, you will lose the lock and unlock inputs since they become alarm trigger inputs.


guide 28921 is the proper one but you will not be able to use the lock-unlock inputs if you enable the alarm feature.


guide 16221 is a generic non vehicle specific guide that shows how the evo will be configured if the alarm feature is enabled.
Thanks.  It sounds like I have a choice to make with the EVO-ALL then -- either enable the alarm option and wire up the keypad unlock another way, or keep the EVO-ALL in stand alone mode.  (I'll have to check into the Mitsubishi wiring diagrams if available.)

Is the the EVO-ONE model capable of both functions simultaneously?  I understand it is a high-current capable starter which is not required in this case, but are there any other benefits to the EVO-ONE over the EVO-ALL?  Guide 21741 does not describe how to enable alarm feature for the EVO-ONE, nor label any of the wires beyond those required for remote start, even though security system is listed as one of its features.. Thanks again.
Please disregard those last few questions.  I've realized that I'm probably asking too much of the EVO-ALL.  It seems to be able to do lots of things well, but not necessarilty all at the same time.  Though I will check to determine whether A2/Purple ground lock trigger and A3/Purple ground lock trigger are active in Stand Alone mode (I presume that they are not as the wiring diagram does not label them in guide 28921).

If anything, I might try out the alarm option -- if someone could please answer a question about it.  With EVO-ALL wired in Stand Alone mode according to 28921, does enabling Alarm Option according to guide 16221/12971 simply add/overlay functions onto the otherwise programmed wires?

For example, A13/YellowBlack is labeled as Start/Stop external input in Stand Alone guide 28921, which I intended to employ, but is not defined in Alarm Option guide 16221/12971.  Does this signify a deleted function on this wire with Alarm Option enabled?

Thank you for all your time and help with these questions.
0 votes
If the evo-alarm is enabled, a2 and a3 are not lock-unlock inputs anymore.
answered May 31, 2019 by Robert T (305,380 points)