Questions & Answers

2013 Ford Focus Driver Door Pin Wire

0 votes
I need to hook up wires A17 & A18 on a 2013 Ford Focus.  I see the location in the WireColor guide.  However, the guide shows two Green/Purple wires labeled 117 & 148.  How do I determine which one is the correct one?
asked Sep 12, 2018 in Ford by Travis Knick (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Green/Purple is Fords favorite color. They use it for many different circuits.

You are looking for a Green/Purple that acts as a door trigger. Testing will be needed.


You need to cut this wire and connect either end of the cut to A17 and A18 on the evo. When the wire is cut, one end will be at 12V, you will connect A18 to this end; A17 goes to the other end.
answered Sep 12, 2018 by Robert T (299,650 points)
Is there a way to locate the correct wire without just cutting one and testing?  I guess I have a 50/50 chance of getting the right one since there are only two labeled.  I'd prefer not to cut any wires I don't have to.



You can test the wire before cutting it.

Its a door pin wire. It can be tested by opening and closing the door. Wire will be at 12V door closed and nothing (open circuit) , door open
Awesome.  Thanks so much for your help!  Have a great day.

