Questions & Answers

Sequoia not locking after remote start

0 votes
Guys - Setting up a 2015 Sequoia with Evo One/RF422/Toy7 harness with door lock data and disarm wires attached (per install sheet). Latest firmware. Everything works as expected except truck is unlocked before remote start and doesn't relock. Options set per recommendation:

2.4, 38.2     C1, D5 (lock after start)

Interestingly after remote starting and doing a status check with the 442 remote, the remote reports the truck as locked but it is not so the evo-one is somehow out of sync.

Saw a similar post for a tundra about just setting 6.3, which is what I was going to do. Wanted to get words of wisdom first since you cautioned me prior about possible issues when using settings that are on both the bypass side and the remote start side.

So do I set 6.3 and D5? Disable D5 and set 6.3? What's the recommendation


asked Sep 4, 2018 in Toyota by Michael Murday (220 points)
edited Sep 8, 2018 by Michael Murday

1 Answer

0 votes
Flash the bypass to the recommended 79.49.

Use D5 for the relock
answered Sep 5, 2018 by Robert T (299,650 points)
The Evo-one is flashed to the latest and D5 is set. It is not a misconfiguration and has been reported by other Toyota truck owners. The unit isn't performing as anticipated. Lock after start is controlled in more than one place (bypass side and remote start side) so I (and others) are looking for guidance from Fortin on how best to configure since the current documented approach appears to have an issue.

The fact that the Evo-one thinks the truck is locked (when statused by the remote) but it is not locked shows there is a logic error with the current programming/control. The evo-one thinks it has locked the truck when in fact is has not. Assuming Fortin continues to refine and improve their programming and configurations this is something the app team would want to know.


Just not clear if this forum is the best way to communnicate that...
Are you able to lock and unlock the vehicle remotely while the vehicle is running under remote start?

If not, then the issue may lie with the data doorlock connection, we control the doorlocks differently depending on whether or not the vehicle is running or not running.


Thank you,

Hi Rico - thanks for the follow up. The truck unlocks as soon as I release the remote start button and goes through the remote start process, but doesn't relock. I am able to lock it with the remote after it starts (before oening a door or anything).

As a data point - after it starts (and the door is unlocked), if I status the car from the remote it shows as locked, so the evo one thinks it is locked.

Was a little surpirsed it is unlocking since I have D5 set and not D2, but that's a differnet conversation...

Anyway - was thinking of disabling D5 and setting 6.3 and see how that goes. Or is that a bad idea? I am willing to troubleshoot with you guys if you want to understand what is going on. All connections are T-harness or soldered - I don't think there is a connection issue here.

Let me know and thanks,


UPDATE - removed the device to reflash and I see you guys posted an 9/7 update for the problem (is there a way to see that list without having the evo-one conencted?). So when I said I was running the lastest I was refering to what was there as of 9/1 - 79.48. Went to flash 79.49 but got the dreaded you have reached the flash limit (although I think I only flashed it maybe 3x trying to get this working ?!?). Looks like I have call support from what I am reading to have it unlocked... Will update when I can get it flashed and try it.

Update II - flashed to 79.49 and truck locks after remote start as expected. Thanks guys.
