Questions & Answers

How do I activate lock-unlock-lock for remote start

0 votes
Evo-One with THAR-ONE-MAZ3 how do I activate Lock-unlock-lock for remote start instead of Lock-lock-lock?
asked May 1, 2018 in Mazda by William Smith2 (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Option 38.5 in the remote starter options menu.
answered May 1, 2018 by derek g (359,350 points)
Thank you. I'll give that a look.
I looked in the settings and it's saying this option is only available on the Evo-All. Will it still work in the Evo-One for a Mazda CX-5?
You will need to be in the correct connection mode (bottom right of the Flashlink Manager screen. it will need to say Connection mode: Remote Starter BEFORE you even plug in the evo-one to the flashlink updater.

Once in the correct connection mode, you will then be able to click on options and scroll down to function 38 and change it to 38.5 and click on SAVE OPTIONS

Thank you,
Thanks again!  I'll give that a look when I get my T-Harness and Flashlink Updater delivered.