Questions & Answers

Valet switch wiring with lighted three prong switch

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I would like to wire up a valet switch to have inside my van for disabling the remote start. I have a lighted three prong rocker switch, and i can get the switch to work properly with two wires, however I can't seem to connect it so that the LED lights up at the appropriate time (light up when I turn the switch on to disable the remote start). I could get it to light up all the time, which I don't want, and I could get it to light up when on, however the remote start wouldn't be disabled...

how can I wire it up to work so the remote start is disabled when the switch is on (and the LED lights up)??

i have the hood pin switch wired up and it works too.
asked Aug 31, 2017 in Dodge by khoops85 (230 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
How is the switch connected and where is connected to the EVO to disable remote start?

A GROUND (-) signal on the dark blue (pin A8) will prevent the unit from remote starting. You want your switch to send a (-)negative/ground signal to that wire when your switch is ON.


3 prong switches will send a (+) signal when it is flipped to ON.  You will want to convert that positive into a negative.
answered Aug 31, 2017 by Robert T (299,650 points)
edited Aug 31, 2017 by Robert T

Ya that's the thing I am trying to wrap my head around, as generally, these switches are used to turn something on (such as an aux light).

How I have it right now is like this:

It works like this, however no indicator light when you flip it to the ON position.

there should be a little diagram on the bottom of the switch, 3 prong switches need 12v to light up the light/led, depending on the switch,

You will need to test your switch by adding 12v to the unused prong in your image above via a regular light bulb test light or a fused wire (1-2amps should be fine)


BUT, an illuminated valet switch is not recommended since it will draw current when lit. and depending on where the power is taken it can also keep the vehicle's computer systems from going into sleep mode and cause a bigger current drain issue in the vehicle.


Thank you,
here's a good example, jus ignore the red wire going to the LED...


Pin 1 - 12V

Pin 2 - Ground

Pin 3 - Test it with the switch ON, should be a ground (-) output. If it's 12V, you will need to add a relay to convert it to a (-) signal.



Basically, 12V to the copper terminal and reverse your current two connections in that diagram. On the switch itself it tells you what is what.


As Rico said though, if you put constant power on that switch, it will kill your battery since the led will always be ON when the switch is ON. It's better to wire a switched ignition instead of constant 12V.
Thanks both of you for your replies.

As it sits now, I am just leaving it as a simple switch, no light.

I have another 3 prong switch laying around somewhere that I will play with on the bench to try and sort out. If/when I find a solution that works, I will come back and post a wiring diagram