Questions & Answers

I purchase and started installing a Honda SL3 Bypass module on my 2013 Honda civic. Can that module work??

–1 vote
The alarm used was Autopage RS730. We connected the alarm, found the starter wire and connected to output. Whenever key is press 2 times, the ignition comes on, the car engine turns over but wont start. The key light blinks 4 times.


The module was not programmed as yet thou. There are 4 connection that ought to be connected from the bypass module to the Key immobilser section. Data, Lamp in, Lamp out and Synro

I would like a diagram displaying where these connections must go to or a diagram displaying where the data, lamp in and out wires are on the car Key Immobilser harness
closed with the note: Closed.
asked Apr 17, 2017 in Honda by Alex Johnson (120 points)
closed Apr 19, 2017 by Robert T

1 Answer

0 votes
He is a link to the installation guide using the SL3 and your vehicle:
answered Apr 17, 2017 by derek g (359,300 points)
Thank you so much for that Derek, however I downloaded that document, but my 2013 Honda Civic is a Press to start ignition.

I would like to know the corresponding wires where the Bypass module are to be connection on the Keyimmobilser bypass harness, thats the last step im at before trying to program and test again.

I recieved a vechile diagram, however its for the key barrel and not push to start. I find that the wire color are different.

thats all i need right now.
The honda SL3 is not supported on the PTS version of that vehicle.

Supported modules for honda civic PTS are evo-all, evo-key or evo-one. You will also need the flash link updater to perform the DCryptor proces.
Okay. It's not supported, but isn't the wiring kinda the same, just to make the connections and program?.



Okay on your website!! There is not 2013 push to start in the search option!!!

I want a reasonable price bypass to connect to my Auto page alarm system that enables me to use my OEM to start the car. Please send me a link with all the information needed. I'm not in the US therefore I want no problems. Please send me a quote
Correct we do not list that vehicle in 2013. So I am sending you the information for a 2014.

If you are looking for 3x lock from the OEM remote and wanting to use your autoapge system you will need to contact them to find out if it has those capabilites.

So with autpage starter you would want evo-all & Flash link updater2.

If your autoapge system does not do 3x lock, then you would want to get the Evo-One and you would do away with the autpage system. The evo-one can start your car by pressing 3x lock on the OEM remote.


Keep in mind this is all being based of a 2014 because as i mentioned we do not list that vehicle for 2013 so I do not know if it will be the exact same.