Questions & Answers

can you use d2d with evoall on the 2015 kia sportage automatic key start, with autostart as1774 remote starter

+2 votes
is it possible to use d2d hook up on a 2015 kia sportage key start, with an as1774 autostart thanks
asked Jan 27, 2016 in Kia by jonathan keddy (230 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
yes it is, flash to latest firmware and select protocol D2D in the options
answered Jan 27, 2016 by Adam Pepin (10,150 points)
0 votes
As Adam said set the evo to D2D and set your remote starter to Xpresskit use the larger white plug and plug it into the Xpress kit port.
answered Jan 27, 2016 by derek g (335,840 points)