Questions & Answers

i have trierd to cancel my order many different ways how can i stop it before it ships

–6 votes
after reading the awful reviews of your product and trying to understand all the false advertising you throw at it. for example plug and play, this does not mean having to cut and splice 6 wires in 3 different spots this is hardwiring not plug and play like others. also you dont tell people in clear plain language that they will be required to dump more money into a flash link if they wish for the the system to work what so ever and you cleaqrly claim comes with the latest firmware for that vehicle but for some reason needs an extra 40 dollar part to work. and after almost 48 hours since order you are still working on packaging as if taking a box off a shelf and putting it inside another box takes 2 full days. why will you not just cancel the order like a reputiabnle company would
asked Oct 15, 2015 in Ford by Rhys Pachal (50 points)

2 Answers

+10 votes
Best answer
Wow. My thoughts.


We've been doing remote starts at my shop for more than 25 years. Currently, there are 3 companies I use that make bypass modules. Fortin, ADS, and the DEI stuff. Most shops as I do, work with all three. Its always nice to have options, or if I run out of my go to piece, for example. Having been in this industry for a very long time, and around all 3 of the brands everyday, I can tell you Fortin is far & away the best there is. There is no debate, nor discussuin about it. The ADS and DEI pieces also require specific devices to download software. It is what it is. These are generally NOT considered DIY installs, and should be left to the people who not only do it every day for a living, but have the required pieces needed to properly set the modules up before install.


An awful review, obviously would only be written by someone who was in over their head with what they were doing. It takes experience, patience and quite a bit of 12v knowledge. I'm not saying this is your scenario, but this post is definitely unwarranted.


You can always email me if you need assistance with anything. Happy to help.
answered Oct 15, 2015 by Chris Smith2 (2,270 points)
selected Oct 15, 2015 by Robert T
Spot On!!!
+3 votes
Yes sir, we saw your email this morning and if you would like to cancel your order, the proper procedure would be to send an email with all your order details to with a request to cancel.

The Flashlink-2 Updater (sold separately) is required to enable 3xlock start (compatible vehicles) as noted on our website.

Thank you very much.
answered Oct 15, 2015 by J M (64,060 points)