Questions & Answers

parking lights not coming on when the remote start is running

+2 votes
parking lights are not coming on when the remote start is running i am using the evo all. thanks
asked Mar 18, 2015 in Infiniti by SEAN JAMES (150 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
You're gonna have to give us a little more information for us to be able to help you.

 Year, model of the vehicle.

 Type of installation, guide number used.

 12 digit Service Number undeneath the Evo All module.
Better description of issue, do the parking lights flash when locking and unlocking while vehicle is OFF, or when running?
answered Mar 18, 2015 by J M (64,270 points)
I am having the same issue.

2012 Infiniti M37x
Are you using a T-harness Duane? Or wire to wire?

Thank you.
I am using the T-harness.

I was able to locate the wire using a test light.  The wire is located next to the fuse box by the driver's kick panel.  Its on the plug with three wires.

I have another issue.  After stopping the car using the OEM remote, the doors would unlock.  I would prefer the doors closed after stopping the car from the OEM remote.  Is there a setting that I can change using the Flashlink?
You try 2 things,

If you have an OEM alarm system, you can turn on option D2, which will unlock your vehicle before starting to disarm the oem alarm, start the vehicle, then relock the doors, it will also relock the doors 10 seconds after shutdown.

Secondly, you can try turning on D5 (lock after start) which will do everything described above without the vehicle UNLOCKING first.

Or, you can check your owner's manual to see if you can turn off Ignition locks in your car options.

I have another issue.  After stopping the car using the OEM remote, the doors would unlock.  I would prefer the doors closed when I stop the car from the remote.  Is there a setting that I can change using the Flashling?

This is one of the reasons why you need to connect at least the lock wire at the BCM and also enable option D2.  Nissan/Infiniti vehicles naturally unlock the doors once ignition turn off.

Thank you.  I will try enabling option D2 and D5 to see which one has the best result.
I tried both options with no positive result. I am guessing that the best route is to connect to the BCM!!! I will try this option next to see the result.

The manual states that the BCM is located in the drivers door. Can this be confirmed prior to disassemble?   I don't wish to venture unnecessarily.  Thank you.

Hi Duane,

On your vehicle, you are not connecting to the BCM but to the Driver's door lock and unlock switch which can be found inside the Driver's door.


Hi Jesus,

I am currently connected to the door lock and unlock switch as indicated in the manual.  I am not however connected to the BCM which is said to be in the driver's door.  I have all minimum connections required for the remote start to work.  I intend on connecting the hood pin ASAP.  I am thinking that this may be a setting that could be altered in the vehicle' settings for the door to stay closed after the engine stops. I will check this out to see if this option is available to prevent the doors opening.

I want to add that I updated to the latest firm ware last night and the vehicle starts much quicker now.  Prior to the update, it would take roughly 15 to about 20 seconds to start after pressing the lock button three times.  It now takes about 3 to 5 seconds.
0 votes
You need to enable B2 for the parking light to work. It is written in the guide.
answered Jun 16, 2015 by J M (85,210 points)
B2 was not the issue.  The issue was the parking light connection.  I probed the wires and found the correct wire.

I am having another issue.  The car unlocks after using the OEM remote to stop the remote start by pressing the lock button three times.

By factory, on all Nissan/Infiniti vehicles, when ignition turns off, the vehicle unlocks it's doors. Since it does it by factory, it will do it also when remote starting. 


Just follow the installation guide and connect at least the lock wire from the EVO to the vehicle and enable option D2. This would involve connecting to the lock wire in the driver door directly at the switch (not at the BCM).

I am thinking that this may be a setting that could be altered in the vehicle' settings for the door to stay closed after the engine stops. I will check this out to see if this option is available to prevent the doors opening.

It's most likely possible that you can change this setting manually in the vehicle through the user options.
