Questions & Answers

Which guide to use for 2012 Honda Odyssey?

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Hello, Installed a Prostart CT-3471 remote start and EVO-ALL in a 2012 Honda Odyssey that has power sliding doors  but not connected to remote start. Should I use Guide #26541 or #3024 guide 5, program 1? They are both similar but programming has an extra step in #26541. Installed a week ago, everything installed, programmed, and functioned perfectly for the week.  Today, started with remote start and have Check engine light with emissions fault and VRS/traction control fault. Vehicle still starts with remote start and works fine otherwise. Could this be pure coincidence and unrelated or caused by remote start install? Thanks, Mike Unger.
asked Jan 23, 2015 in Honda by Micheal Unger (2,680 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
It could be coincidence, but I would still verify the key connections to the high current wires on the Ignition switch, make sure that the wires are getting current when they are supposed to (ign, acc, crank).

Also, did you do any connections in the engine bay? If so, verify that you did not accidentally disconnect any hoses, or vacuum hoses off the intake manifold, (reason for most emissions related engine code, or loose gas cap)

Also please provide a valid service number so we can see the firmware and options on the Evo ALL.
answered Jan 23, 2015 by J M (64,270 points)
That extra step is for the new install with the sliding doors in guide 26541.
Ok, thanks for the prompt reply. I checked the high current wires, soldered and Good connections. The only connection in engine area was hood pin switch. If this was an issue resulting from improper programming or setup with the Evo-All could it wait a week to surface or show up immediately after/ during install? What is the extra step for at the end of programming procedure in guide 26541? Thanks, mike.
That extra step is for the new install with the sliding doors controlled by the EVO while the vehicle is running.

The evo-all has nothing do with the emissions so.... As you said, it's just a fluke that he was getting a check engine a few weeks after a remote starter install. If he got a flat tire, would it be the evo-alls fault? :) If it was related to the remote starter isntallation, I'd look over what Jesus said.
Ok, thanks for the advice. I know exactly what you mean about the flat tire thing, the only time there is any problem wth a vehicle is after a remote start whether it's related or not. I had to wonder where you were going with that last post to "look over what Jesus said" until I read back in the comments. Haha.
I actually had to change the wording a few times before hitting the send button, ha.