Questions & Answers

Can a EVO-ALL Standalone Starter and Smart Start work together?

+1 vote
I have a 2013 Ford Edge SA Key.  I installed an EVO-ALL as a standalone starter.  Im trying to add the Smart Start Module and will NOT communicate.  I want the 3xLock to work as well as the smart start module. Is this possible? Ive spent the better part of the weekend working on it and cannot get it to work for the customer. Thank you in advance.  Ive tried every setting in the FLASHLINK. Ive tried cutting and grounding every wire on the smart start. No communication between the two and I remember speaking with someone at FORTIN and they said a EVO-ALL will not work 3x start and and additional remote start.  Does this apply to the Smart Start as well?
asked Dec 14, 2014 in Ford by Raymond Kazmierczak (1,200 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes it does work perfectly with 3x lock and smartstart.

Follow these instructions

and only enable options shown in this guide.
answered Dec 15, 2014 by Raymond Kazmierczak (85,210 points)
hi the diagram is very informative buy after i ground the grey wire to the black wire where does the red wire with the fuse go?