Questions & Answers

Evo All problems with 2014 Ford Escape - missing outputs

–2 votes
I have installed a python 1406 with an EVO ALL without the ford harness in a 2014 escape.  I am using wire to wire connections and running firmware 4.18.  The programming goes as expected as far as the leds on the fortin are concerned.  Step by step, after programming the blue led portion, I am able to remote start the car and learn the tach signal.  After programming the bypass, I am able to remote start without a key but the remote start shuts down due to no tach signal.  At any given point, the car will unlock but not lock.  I have verified that the negative lock signal is making to the fortin unit.  I also do not have a hood pin signal coming from the fortin.  I did not have a door pin signal either so i was forced to run a wire directly to the dome light, which I would prefer not to have.  I have programmed the bypass with and without the dcryptor method with the same results.  I have verified connections so I am thinking it is something in the evo-all unit itself.

Please help.
closed with the note: non informative
asked Nov 19, 2013 in Ford by Shaun Dampier (90 points)
closed Nov 25, 2013 by Robert T

1 Answer

0 votes

At any given point, the car will unlock but not lock.  I have verified that the negative lock signal is making to the fortin unit.

To get proper door lock operation, you need to also connect the vehicles Disarm wire with the Unlock. We had added the info on wirecolor already and the guides will be updated shortly with this modification. Use diodes to isolate the vehicles unlock and disarm signals. As a quick note, for the purple and purple/white of the EVO, use the Lock and Unlock of the remote starter, not Arm and Disarm.

  • (-) DISARM
  • Light Blue / Brown
  • Harness under carpet near driver kick panel.
  • Must connect to unlock doors. REQUIRED FOR 2014.

I am able to remote start the car and learn the tach signal.  After programming the bypass, I am able to remote start without a key but the remote start shuts down due to no tach signal.

The EVO will give tach when it see's ignition On (or key-sense in this particular case). The remote starters 2nd ignition should be connected to the vehicles key-sense along with the EVOs Yellow wire. This connection is required when not using datalink.

 I also do not have a hood pin signal coming from the fortin.  I did not have a door pin signal either so i was forced to run a wire directly to the dome light, which I would prefer not to have.

This can be one of two reason (or both).

  1. Not the right can wires use at the OBD-II
  2. The EVO options for hood and door trigger are set to off.


answered Nov 19, 2013 by Robert T (305,380 points)

I originally asked this question.  Upon receiving the answer above, I double checked everything again and I had all wiring correct.  I then followed up with a call to tech support today.  The answer I received at this point is that the Fortin EVO All will only provide immobilizer bypass for this vehicle and none of the outputs I asked about.  In fact, nothing would work through can bus at all is what I was told.  That explains why none of the outputs work and that should have been the answer provided above.  It is disappointing and a huge time waster to get an incorrect answer like the one above from Robert.  And it is even more disappointing when the documentation provided for a product is misleading.  The website clearly shows that the EVO ALL will handle most outputs for a 2014 escape which is what led me to purchase this item.  Since I have installed the unit, I would guess I am too late to ask for a refund.  But I promise I will never purchase another one of these products again.

The answers i gave are 100% correct.

Considering no can-bus features were working, this usually revolves around connections, wiring, programming or firmware. Also, if someone uses the white and white/blue wires at the OBD-II for can hi-lo, then yes nothing on the can-bus will work. I only say that because it has been done in the past on more then one occasion.

Also, you mentionned you have 4.18 firmware but this particular vehicle was only added in later firmwares considering we did not cover it at the time.

Id be curious to know who you spoke to.