Questions & Answers

2014 corolla pts standalone, pin a13 for external start/stop signal, what should this be hooked up to ?

+1 vote
i was wondering what the a 13 yellow and black wire should be hooked up to for the stand alone hookup for the evo all?
asked Jan 30, 2014 in Toyota by chris griffin (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi Chris,


This wire is not required and does not connect to the vehicle. It's used only as another means of starting and stopping the car.


Random example:

  • A ground pulse on that wire start the car, another ground pulse will stop the car.
  • Someone can install a push button switch anywhere they want in their car/truck/trunk to start and stop the car.
  • If i had a company truck with a mobile office in the cargo area, I would install a push button switch so that I could start my truck from my cargo space office.


answered Jan 30, 2014 by Robert T (304,010 points)