Questions & Answers

Door lock and unlock does not work on RF942

0 votes
Jetta 2016 standard key

With the RF942 remote:
Remote Start & Stop works fine
Door lock, module clicking once but nothing happens
Door unlock, module clicking twice but nothing happens
Also tried trigger wires, purple a2, purple/white a3 with same results as the rf remote, clicking but nothing.

A5 is turned off
Green/Red wire(A18) is connected to Mux Lock/Unlock Blue/Red wire at BCM connector A (black) pin 24.

Evo-vwt3 (evo-all, t-harness, vw-tb)
closed with the note: solved with a new module
asked Oct 7, 2021 in Volkswagen by Michel Racine (130 points)
closed Nov 16, 2021 by Michel Racine

1 Answer

0 votes
What is the S/N to the evo?

When sending unlock or lock from the rf kit, what do the led's on the evo do?
answered Oct 7, 2021 by derek g (359,100 points)
S/N: 001A07187275

Evo blue led blinks once (lock) twice (unlock) Same time as the clicking relay sounds.

What is MUX for my car, there seems to be many variations for different cars.
Can I use a multimeter on that wire to see what the evo sends, or what can I do to try and trigger locks manually without evo?

The evo set up looks good.


Yes you can test the vehicles wire to make sure you are on the correct one.


Lock is ground.

unlock is ground through 180ohm resistor.
Mux wire connection all the way to white connector on Evo-all is good, I can ground/lock and 180ohm-ground unlock the doors from there.

Evo-All green-red wire (pin A18) does not show anything on multimeter, unless its too fast to register on my multimeter....

So hooked up a logic analyser and found that the Evo is indeed sending a ground pulse (62ns) but it seems it is too fast for my car to recognize it. Any way to slow down this pulse?


How did you physically connect the wires together?
How I tapped on to the mux wire at the bcm connector? I do these connections by hand... strip a bit of insulator off the car wire without cutting it. Separate conductor in middle, pass new wire through middle, split and twist around a few times, like this

Or how I connect the logic analyzer? One probe on ground and one probe on the green-red wire (MUX). But it looks like I saw only some sort of feedback signal, that device is pretty sensitive, many times it did not show anything on the mux wire, so it looks like the evo-all is not sending any pulses even tough I hear relay clicking noise.
I was just wanting to confirm no type of t-taop or quick connect was used to make the connection.


My next suggestion would be to simply try re programming the module.


Prior to programming please ensure that open A5 is off.
Well thanks for trying to help me, but I am still stuck with the same result.
Here goes step by step, just in case there is some obscure thing/step I am missing...
Plug module in Flashlink to PC
Go to introduction (like starting from scratch)
Volkswagen -  2016 - Jetta - Standard Key
Standalone Remote Starter Only
15 minutes
Immobilizer Bypass
Before Flash ... lets look at Current Settings
   Settings protection ON
   A1,A2,A3,A4,A6,A7,A8,A9,A10,A11,C1,D1,D1.1,D1.6,D2,H2 are ON
   A5 and all others are OFF
   Close settings
Put module back into car = same, remote start/stop, also trunk open, but no door control via RF942 remote.
Recheck module settings with PC, A5 is OFF.
It has to be something with the module or the firmware.
To see if it is related to firmware, Roll the version back one version and re do the programming then re test keyless entry.
Tried a few version down to 75.36, no luck. The module?
You could try another module, however I believe you said the evo is outputtin on the mux door lock wire.
I don't have another evo. I can confirm that there is no output from the evo on the mux wire.

How can I get it replaced? Was purchased online about 9 months ago but that retailer only has a 30 day policy. Been using it just fine as a stand-alone with the OEM keyfob but now adding the RF-kit and I find out it has a problem.

The warranty for the module is held at the place of purhcase.


You could try calling Fortin tech support when you are in the vehicle with the module and flash link to see if there are any further suggestions to try.


Thanks, All is good with a new module, the other module was defective.