Questions & Answers

door chime becomes disabled

0 votes
2011 ford explorer

once the white, blue, black, and red wire are connected to the evo rs (not the programming wire to the flash link) the door chime when the door is open, quits. If i unplug the evo rs module, the door chime starts working again.


After exiting the vehicle and I lock the doors, I can come back after approx 30 minutes or so and find that my doors automatically unlocked themselves. When you open the doors, the alarm will sound.
asked May 27, 2021 in Ford by Joshua Reaper (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Did you do the DDP connection? If yes, I would start by checking the orientation of the wires.
answered May 27, 2021 by derek g (357,580 points)