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LINKR-LT2 not updating status door locked after ready mode

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I finally got my EVO-ONE and the LINKR-LT2 to remote start my 2017 Jeep Wrangler manual transmission... it works every time.. 

The only thing that technical support from mycar controls and myself haven't figure it out yet is "why after ready mode (neutral position, parking brake, brakes) the EVO-One will let me remove the key and unlock the doors or door depending of the initial command which I love (It does follow 1 passenger or more than one and unlocks the necessary door or doors depending on the remote sequence done to unlock driver's door or all doors)...back to the commandas... after I shut the door the car will kill the engine and after some seconds...I think is like 60sec. the car will lock the doors by itself.

Every time the car locks the doors...mycar control app will not show this status and only will have the green signal with doors unlocked,.. even though they are in fact locked.

Mycar control technical support told me that I have to choose an option to lock the doors with my factory remote and eliminate the automatic lock the doors command from the EVO-ONE or CAR ALARM (we are not sure who is sending the command... I think is the EVO-ONE but I need to confirm the blue led to be sure and haven't done it yet)

Can someone help me to know what setting number will set this option?,,,, The evo-one is super hidden and in order to remove it and have space to work under my steering column I have to remove the driver seat... jeep space in the front is super tight...

Thanks in advance 


Any help?
posté Fev 12, 2020 dans la catégorie Jeep par Natalie Maldonado (880 points)
modifié Fev 22, 2020 par Natalie Maldonado

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