Questions & Answers

Tilt, shock and proximity on Evo-All

0 votes
Hello, i have to connect these sensors to my evo-all. can u tell me which wires i have to choose as inputs? I have to use diodes on the trigger wires sensors ? only one diode is enough ? or one diode for every sensor that share the same input? Thanks


I have dei sensors (504d 507 508) Thanks,
posté Aout 10, 2019 dans la catégorie Acura par paolo fast (820 points)

1 Réponse

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This is the evo-all alarm guide, it shows you what each wire will do and which wires are used for sensor inputs.

répondu Aout 12, 2019 par derek g (357,580 points)
élue Aout 12, 2019 par Robert T
Thx for answer, i will connect the dual stage proximity sensor and shock sensor to a3 wire, and tilt sensor to a2 wire, i have to use diodes on the a3 wire?
Yes, diode isolate is a good idea.