Questions & Answers

All three lights are blinking even holding the programming button.

+1 vote
I make sure all the connections are right. The three lights are blinking as soon I Conectate the red, black conector. Even tho I press and hold the programming button. The only cables I’m not using are the hood pin and there are two other cables I’m not sure. The brown/white and another cable coming from harness driver side that goes to the parking light relay, are those mandatory for this installation?
posté Juil 22, 2019 dans la catégorie Ford par Jhon Vargas (140 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Sounds like the evo is not flashed.


What is the service number?
répondu Juil 22, 2019 par derek g (357,420 points)

The label says S/N: 001A07 001890. What do I have to do to flash it

here is a pic of the label 

Your module is not flashed.


You must flash it before trying to program it in the vehicle.
Ok, so how do I do that. Do I need to buy the flash-link updater? And thanks for your help
yes, you need the flash link updater to flash the module.
I am having same issue. How can i flash it because its written in manual to not change any settings of module.
Please let me know if I got this right. I just bought a brand new EVO-FORT1 remote starter, I'm having the same issues described here (all 3 led lights blinking at the same time), and the solution to this issue is to spend another $50 buying the flash link updater? Why did you guys ship the product unflashed in the first place? How is forcing people to buy this flash link updater not a scam? You guys are forcing your customers to spend more money on things that should be resolved from the factory. I will be returning this product unless I get an appropriate solution to this issue without forcing me to spend more money.