Questions & Answers

Alarm went off opening trunk. OEM remote with standalone EVO-One 2013 Mustang

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My wife informed me her alarm went off when she opened the trunk using her factory remote.

Any ideas on where to start looking to solve this Problem?  Programming, wiring I still need to accomplish?

This is a new Evo one standalone install for OEM3x Remote start.  2013 Ford mustang V6 Manual Transmission.


posté Sept 16, 2018 dans la catégorie Ford par Dan Gagne (360 points)

1 Réponse

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How was the trunk opened?


Via fob, key cylinder, button in vehicle?
répondu Sept 17, 2018 par derek g (358,230 points)
élue Sept 21, 2018 par Dan Gagne
Pressed the lock button on the factory fob twice.  Pressed the fob trunk button. Alarm goes off.
In that case, i would suggest setting unlock before trunk pop in the RS options. Option 34 in the starter
I made the change to Option 34.  No joy.

The problem still exists.  The doors were still locked, as well.
If you tunr off evo-alarm (option 14) does the alrm no longer ring when opening the trunk?
Selecting 14.1 fixed the problem.

Thank You, Sir!
Glad you got it, I will report this information.