Questions & Answers

Will I still need to tap into the ignition starter wire?

0 votes
Not sure if I still need to tap into starter wire or just connect the T-Harness.
posté Aout 12, 2018 dans la catégorie Dodge par Tom Schneider (500 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Need more details to be able to help you, year make and model of vehicle and guide number used for installation.


Thank you,
répondu Aout 13, 2018 par J M (64,060 points)
2018 Dodge Journey PTS Guide # 73591
No, the only wires required are the ones shown in the install guide.
It shows tapping into the ignition wire in the guide. And is can hi and can low necessary?
Your question was if you still need to tap into starter wire, the answer is no. Guide shows to connect ignition, can high, can low, parking lights so you need to connect ignition, can high, can low, parking lights.