Questions & Answers

EVO-NIST1 - Shuts down if you don't open the door

0 votes

I recently install an EVO-NIST1 on a 2010 Maxima with a Fortin 2-way RF kit. I noticed when testing sitting inside the car, if I remote start the vehicle and press the brake the car will shut off. Pressing the unlock button on the RF remote doesn't seem to help. If I open and close the door the handoff seems to function as intended.

Is it necessary for the EVO to see the door pin signal before it will allow the handoff to the vehicle? Is there a setting I can change? Thanks!
posté Fev 28, 2016 dans la catégorie Nissan par Jared Pearson2 (220 points)

2 Réponses

+2 votes
Meilleure réponse

As stated in the install guide, YES! The system wants to see a door open and close.

répondu Fev 29, 2016 par Charles Beauchamp (9,020 points)
élue Fev 29, 2016 par Robert T2
0 votes
I believe you have to put the key in and turn it to On to prevent that from happening
répondu Fev 29, 2016 par Joshua Swenson (1,660 points)