Questions & Answers

Parking light flash relay.

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2004 Buick Regal-evo-all-Avital 4103 Do I need a relay for the parking light flash feature? Do I set the 4103 parking light flash jumper to (-) or (+) ? Thank you
posté Jan 15, 2015 dans la catégorie Buick par Mike Rogers (270 points)

1 Réponse

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parking lights are positive trigger in that vehicle. Setting your Avital 4103 to (+) should work.
répondu Jan 15, 2015 par Robert T (304,010 points)
Are you saying I can take the evo-all parking light (-) output and connect it directly to the 4103 parking light (+) output. I may have should explained earlier that I will be using W2W connections.
EVO-ALL has nothing to do with parking lights in this setup. It's the avital controlling parking lights. Don't connect the orange wire of the EVO-ALL labeled as parking lights anywhere. You must connect the Avital to the vehicles parking light activation wire.